Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Specialist

Orlando Urogynecology
Kathy Y. Jones, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
OBGYN located in Orlando, FL & Celebration, FL
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that work to keep your pelvic organs in place and functioning correctly. As with all muscles, they may weaken or become strained, which causes a cascading effect throughout your pelvis. At Orlando Urogynecology, Kathy Y. Jones, MD, FPMRS, FACOG, offers several solutions to women in Orlando, Florida, that rehabilitate and strengthen these muscles. To learn more, call or book an appointment online.
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Q & A
What is the pelvic floor?
Your pelvic floor is made up of a group of muscles called the levator ani, which is responsible for sealing off your pelvic cavity and supporting your:
- Bladder
- Urethra
- Anus
- Uterus
- Rectum
- Vagina
The muscles stretch from your tailbone to your pubic bone, and your anus, urethra, and bladder pass through this muscle wall and rely on it to function properly.
What can affect the pelvic floor?
Many things can affect the integrity of your pelvic floor, including:
- Menopause
- Pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Hysterectomy or other surgical interventions
- Obesity
Why do I need pelvic floor rehabilitation?
Because your pelvic floor is made up of muscle, any weakening or issues in this muscle group can lead to pelvic organ prolapse (a downward displacement or shifting of your organs). Most women experience some form of pelvic organ prolapse as they age, but the degree to which these organs shift determines whether you need to seek Dr. Jones’s counsel and treatment.
Pelvic organ prolapse most often occurs in your bladder, which usually leads to incontinence issues. In these cases, seeking help from Dr. Jones can help you address this often-embarrassing problem.
Depending on your situation, more than one organ may prolapse, which can have a significant effect on the function of your organs. For example, if you’ve had a hysterectomy, your remaining organs may shift due to the loss of support from the uterus.
What is pelvic floor rehabilitation?
Whatever the reason behind your prolapse, Dr. Jones offers several treatment options, including:
Specialized pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels, work to strengthen your levator ani muscles, which not only prevents prolapse, but also corrects an existing prolapse.
Behavioral and lifestyle changes
Taking charge of your weight and nutrition goes a long way toward improving the conditions that may lead to pelvic floor problems, and Dr. Jones provides expert guidance.
Biofeedback and electrical stimulation
Dr. Jones uses state-of-the-art tools to help rehabilitate your pelvic floor.
If you’re dealing with medical issues related to your pelvic floor, call Orlando Urogynecology for help, or schedule an appointment using the online booking tool.